
Executive Council

◊ Officers

President (2-year term): David Palmer, palmer19@hku.hk (Fall 2024-Summer 2026), Hong Kong University, China. 

** Past President: Yoshihide Sakurai, saku@let.hokudai.ac.jp (Fall 2024-Summer 2026), Hokkaido University, Japan. 

Vice President (2-year term): Andre Laliberté,  University of Ottawa, Canada. (Fall 2024-Summer 2026) 

General Secretary (4-year term): Ka Shing Ng, ngkashing@let.hokudai.ac.jp, (Fall 2022-Summer 2026), Hokkaido University, Japan.

Treasurer (4-year term): Koki Shimizu  koky0116@yahoo.co.jp (Fall 2021-Summer 2025), Hokkaido University, Japan.

◊ Council Members (3-year term)

Standing Committee

◊ Publication Committee

Chair: Gordon Melton, Baylor University, USA. JGordon_Melton@baylor.edu

  1. Sakurai Yoshihide, Hokkaido University, Japan. saku@let.hokudai.ac.jp
  2. Mark Mullins, University of Auckland, New Zealand. m.mullins@auckland.ac.nz
  3. Francis Lim, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore. fkglim@ntu.edu.sg

◊ International Liasion Commiittee

Chair: André Laliberté, University of Ottawa, Canada. Andre.Laliberte@uottawa.ca

  1. Cho Kyuhoon, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. khcho228@yahoo.com
  2. Huang Weishan, Chinese University of Honk Kong, China. weishan@cuhk.edu.hk 
  3. Tomoko Fukuda, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chiba University, Japan. fukuda@faculty.chiba-u.jp

◊ Development Committee

Chair: William Ng, Hong Kong Baptist University, China. mtcarmel63@gmail.com

  1. Yang Weihong, the Dean of the Faculty of History at Lanzhou University, China. lsxb@lzu.edu.cn
  2. Lee Y. C., the Chair of the Centre for Religious Studies at National Chengchi University,   Taiwan.   dharma0958@gmail.com
  3. Jong-Hyun Jung at the School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University,   Singapore.     jhjung@ntu.edu.sg 

Regional Liaisons

◊ Korea

◊ Japan

◊ China mainland

◊ Taiwan

◊ Singapore

◊ Hong Kong

◊ Vietnam


◊ Canada

◊ Europe

◊ Australia & New Zealand